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Dr. Siwook Lee succeeds Dr. Heungchong Kim as the Chair of the Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC). Dr. Lee is also the President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and professor at the KDI School of Public Policy and Management (on leave).

Dr. Lee earned his B.A. in Economics at Yonsei University, M.A. in applied economics at the University of Parix-IX, France and Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S., respectively.

Before joining the KIEP, he worked as research fellow at Korea Development Institute (KDI) and taught at Myongji University and the KDI School. He also served as President for the Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies (KATIS), Associate Dean at the KDI School, Executive Director of the Center for International Development, and Director of the Center for Regulatory Studies at KDI. In addition, he contributed several academic journals, as editorial board member for Korea Economic Review, Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, and as Editor-in-chief for KDI Journal of Public Policy.

Dr. Lee has been a prominent policy consultant to the Korean government as well as to international organizations such as the World Bank and UNDP, especially in the area of international economic issues - Trade Liberalization, Foreign Direct Investment, Service Economy, and Economic Regulations. He has also deeply involved in various policy consulting projects to assist developing economies in key policy areas.