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Title: Conference on Growing APEC Economies: New Challenges & Approaches
Edited by: Tan Khee Giap, Eduardo Pedrosa, and Grace Aw

Confronted by many challenges emerging from the current climate of uncertainties, various structural changes are taking place amog the APEC economies, large and small, developing and developed, surplus and deficit. This year's PECC conference in Singapore gathered thought-leaders and decision-makers from across the region to discuss various critical issues including the creation of employment, technology, upgrading, relative economic growth and sustainability.

The two-day conference was co-organized by the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) and the United States Asia Pacific Council (USAPC). This conference report is a compilation of presentations and discussions that took place during 29-30 June 2011 in Singapore.

Individual chapters of the publication are available for download in pdf format:

1. Welcome remarks and keynote address
2. Growing economies in APEC
3. Growing trading in services in APEC economies
4. APEC's growth: State of the Region report presentation
5. Managing capital flows
6. Strategic importance of regional economic integration and cooperation (APEC, EAS, and G20)

The program agenda and papers for download are also available here.