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Publications-PEO-2011-financial-linkages-coverThis report is a summary of studies conducted by the PEO (Pacific Economic Outlook) Structure project group coordinated by Dr. Akira Kohsaka, Professor of International Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. The PEO Structure group held two international meetings in March and September 2010 in Osaka, Japan. These meetings were hosted by the Japan Committee for PEO which is housed and staffed by the Kansai Institute for Social and Economic Research (KISER). The publication consists of an overview essay followed by executive summaries of individual economies/ regions contributed by specialists from PECC member economies.

- Macro-financial Linkages and Transmission of Financial Crises
- The Changing Patterns of International Capital Flows in East Asia
- Financial Developments in Emerging Markets
- Development of Domestic Financial Systems in East Asia
- Policy Implications

- Australia
- China
- Hong Kong, China
- Indonesia
- Japan
- The Philippines
- Chinese Taipei
- Thailand

default  Macro-financial Linkages and Financial Deepening in the Pacific Region (4.06 MB)

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