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2013-SINCPEC-INCPEC_Conference_Report_coverAsia-Pacific Economic Integration and Connectivity: Pathways for Resilient and Inclusive Growth (pdf, 2.73MB)
59 pages
Edited by: Tan Khee Giap, Eduardo Pedrosa, and Grace Aw
Report of SINCPEC-INCPEC Conference, Singapore, February 2013

The Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC) and the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) co-organized a conference of thought-leaders from the Asia-Pacific to consider challenges facing regional cooperation in the current economic climate and propose solutions to them. The Conference was funded by SINCPEC and supported by INCPEC and the broader PECC community. The discussions benefitted from a strong contingent of top level decision-makers from the Indonesian government responsible for leading its chairing of APEC this year, Mr. Hatta Rajasa, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr. Mari Pangestu, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy; Mr. Mahendra Siregar, Vice Minister of Finance; Mr. Chatib Basri, Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board; and Mr. Arto Suryodipuro, Deputy APEC SOM Chair. In addition to the representatives from this year’s APEC chair economy, many officials from other APEC economies shared their views at the conference.

As demonstrated by the economic crises that have impacted the region and the worldover the past 15 years, levels of interdependence and possibilities for contagion are on the increase, regional and global frameworks have been evolving to coordinate policy responses to crises but they remain insufficiently connected to each other to effectively coordinate with each other. Indonesia, as a member of ASEAN, APEC, the East Asia Summit and the G20 is uniquely placed to emphasize the need for coherence among these many organizations.The recovery from the global economic crisis continues to be weak with a number of economies undertaking additional measures to stimulate growth in their economies.There is much that needs to be done to put the global economy on a sustainable growth path and create opportunities for the persistent high level of unemployment in several advanced economies.

Topics covered in the publication:

- An Asia-Pacific Agenda for Financial Cooperation
- Regional and Global Cooperation: APEC, ASEAN, East Asia Summit and the G20
- Infrastructure Development: Connectivity, Integration and Structural Reform
- Aligning Economic and Technical Cooperation and Regional Economic Integration Goals
- The New Environment for Trade Policy
- Engaging Stakeholders in Ecotech: Towards Inclusive Growth