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2007-policy environment SMEsThe Policy Environment for the Development of SMEs

Sponsored by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

and the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)

Published in 2007 by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council and the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee


Over the past decade, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have attracted considerable attention for their wide-ranging contributions to the economy. At the same time, the world witnessed a significant change in the global business climate. The world wide trend of globalization creates new challenges to policy makers. What is the appropriate SME policy that promotes economic development the best? Will the usual practice of SME policy work in the knowledge base surroundings? What kind of policy transformation needed in the new environment? And, will SME sector develop to fulfill our expectation?

In response to growing awareness of the importance of SMEs and SME policies, the CTPECC proposed a task force under PECC international project, "The Policy Environment for the Development of SMEs" to gather information on SMEs, highlight obstacles to SMEs development in Asia-Pacific economies and feasible solutions and sound policies to help interested economies promote SMEs. 

The present report is the final product of the PECC project, and the report committee has invited a number of experts to contribute to the PECC project. The report consists of several policy papers, and the focus is on SME development across industries of specific economies. 



1. SME Policy Development in a Global Economy

2. SME Development and Policy in Canada

3. Disappointment and Challenge

4. The SMEs in Colombia

5. The Policy Environment for Promoting SMEs in Japan

6. SME Innovation Policies in Korea

7. The New Zealand Policy Environment for the Development of SMEs

8. SME Development in Singapore

9. The Changing Face of Chinese Taipei's SME Sector

10. Policies for Developing Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam