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2009-Climate-changeThe 23rd Pacific Economic Community Seminar - Climate Change Green Opportunities: Business, Society and Cooperation

Sponsored by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

and Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)


Published in 2009 by Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee 


It is not an overstatement to describe climate change as the most imminent threat of our time. However, this threat does not have to lead to a gloomy prospect of future growth and development. In order to bring about wider discussion about how we can adapt to climate change and capitalize on its effect, the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) initiated a PECC international project entitled "Climate Change Green Opportunities: Business, Society and Cooperation" in its report to 2007 PECC General Meeting and Executive Committee. 

In October 2008, an international conference was convened in Taipei, serving as a regional forum for an exchange of views on the subject of climate change and green opportunities. Business opportunities were first explored by looking at ways to gain from the increasing emphasis on clean production and green consumption. The strategy and engagement of society in the battle against climate change were also discussed. Finally, the regional cooperation mechanisms were examined in the hope that climate change can be effectively addressed through collective means. 

This publication compiles the papers contributed by the October conference participants. As a documented result of the PECC international project, this publication will be distributed through the PECC International Secretariat for all the member economies to share the insights from the experts who participated in this event. 


1. Climate Change and Business Opportunities

2. Climate Change and the Role of Civil Society

3. Regional Cooperation as a Means to Address Climate Change