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About the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) is a non-profit international organization committed to the promotion of cooperation and dialogue in the Asia Pacific. Founded in 1980, PECC is a tripartite network of 26 member committees comprising individuals and institutions dedicated to this shared mission. As the only non-governmental official observer of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), PECC provides independent business and research input to influence the regional policy-making process.

The State of the Region report is a product of a task force established by the governing body of PECC. While efforts are made to ensure that the views of the PECC members are taken into account, the opinions and facts contained in this report are the sole responsibility of the authors and editorial committee and do not necessarily reflect those of the member committees of PECC, nor their individual members.

We would like to acknowledge the significant contributions made by Professor Peter Petri (Brandeis University/ East-West Center, US) and his team by providing contents from the PECC task force work that focused on the recent economic crisis and recovery. We are also grateful to the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and especially to Ms Alexandra Ho for their work on the regional integration index.

Copyright © 2009 by the PECC International Secretariat

Editorial Committee:

Yuen Pau Woo
(State of the Region Coordinator/ President & CEO, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)

Ian Buchanan
(Chair, AUSPECC/ Senior Executive Advisor, Booz Allen Hamilton)

Charles Morrison
(Co-Chair, PECC/ President, East-West Center)

Yoshiji Nogami
(Chair, JANCPEC/ President, Japan Institute of International Affairs)

Eduardo Pedrosa
(Secretary-General, PECC International Secretariat)

Jusuf Wanandi
(Co-Chair, PECC/ Member of the Board of Trustees, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia)

Soogil Young
(Chair, KOPEC/ President, National Strategy Institute, Korea)

Additional Contributors:

Peter Petri
(Brandeis University/ East-West Center)

Chen Bo
(Simon Fraser University/ Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)



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