Message from the Chairman of PECC
It is my pleasure to present, on behalf of the 26 member committees that make up the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), our new flagship publication - the State of the Region. This report provides our assessment of the key issues affecting the region and of the principal challenges standing in the way of stronger trans-Pacific ties. In addition to an overview of the major forces currently driving regional cooperation, the report presents an up-to-date economic outlook for the Asia Pacific, based on the forecasts of our Pacific Economic Outlook (PEO) panel of experts.
A groundbreaking feature of this report is the findings of a survey that we conducted in August 2006. The Survey on the State of the Region drew on the views of 370 opinion leaders and policy specialists from the Asia Pacific region. By tapping into the extensive networks of our member committees, we were able to access the views of senior policy-makers, scholars and business people on key questions facing the region. This kind of survey is unprecedented in the quality of respondents and in its coverage of issues, and we hope to make it an annual feature of the State of the Region report.
This report is the work of many people and all member committees have contributed to its success. However, it is not a consensus document as such and the responsibility for the views expressed in the report rests with the editorial team, whose names appear on the inside cover. I would like to express my appreciation to all member committees, to the PEO forecast panel, and to the editorial team, led by Yuen Pau Woo, for putting together the publication. I would also like to recognize the role of the International Secretariat and Secretary General Eduardo Pedrosa in providing critical support and advice for the production of this document.
I look forward to your feedback on the State of the Region Report and on how PECC can continue to support the work of trans-Pacific economic cooperation.

Charles E. Morrison
International Chair
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