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APEC WS ESAPAPEC Policy Support Unit, Japan METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and PECC co-organized a one-day workshop on environmental and energy services with various industry experts and related business representatives from both large multinational corporations such as Veolia Environment (France) and Nalco (US) as well as smaller international companies such as Natel Energy (US) and Barghest Building Performance (Singapore). 

This workshop/ trade policy dialogue follows from APEC's ongoing work on Environmental Services Action Plan (ESAP) that was endorsed in 2015 in the Philippines. The main purpose of the workshop was to discuss trends, challenges, value creation, and business models found in specific industries that comprise environmental services. 

Starting with speakers from the WTO and OECD, who provided the background on the classification of environmental goods and services, the following five sessions covered: 1) water business; 2) refuse disposal and recycling; 3) remediation; 4) renewable energy; and 5) energy efficiency. Mr. Andrew Martin, the Chair of WTO Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) negotiations from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia participated in the concluding panel discussion. 

Full program agenda and presentations are available here for download.